X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer
Physical Electronics 5600

X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS, also known as ESCA) uses highly focused monochromatised x-rays to probe the material of interest. The energy of the photo-emitted electrons ejected by the x rays are specific to the chemical state of the elements and compounds present, i.e. bound-state or multivalent states of individual elements can be differentiated.
The "small-spot" capabilities allow one to obtain XPS information at 30-micron resolutions, making XPS chemical mapping and imaging a viable surface research tool. The XPS can easily analyze nonconductive samples with the system's charge neutralization. Fast entry lock allows 15 minutes of turn-around time. The system has a cold stage, which allows sample analysis at liquid nitrogen temperatures.
Small-spot XPS can provide the following information about samples:
- Elemental identification and quantification
- Chemical functional group identification and quantification
- Chemical state imaging
- Surface sensitivity
- Layer-by-layer depth profiling
- Minimal sample damage
- Analysis of insulating and conducting samples
- Data collection / stage automation
- Cold stage