About Us

The Society of Physics Students is a club that provides a variety of things to students interested in physics. SPS can connect students with social events and volenteer oportunities, help introduce exciting new ideas and experiments, and even provide useful information about on campus research and future career ideas. We meet once a week with a plan set by our officers, but we're very flexible and encourage our members to speak up if they have an idea or information on a possible future event. We welcome anyone interested in Physics to attend one of our meetings.

Where to Find Us

Our Meeting Room

The Society of Physics Students meet in the Dayton Conference Room in Barnard 258. We meet after the Physics Colloquium on Fridays around 5:10pm - 6:00pm. If you cant find it, just wait in the atrium. The physics students like to congregate there to do homework and hang out. We hope to see you in our next meeting!

You can find our tentative scedule in the "Meeting Content" page on our website.

The Atrium

As physics students we have a very collaborative degree so we often congregate in the Atrium. If you have any questions about SPS or physics in general, feel free to bother the group of students hanging in the open room full of white boards on Barnard's second floor. If that room is empty try checking the SPS room in Barnard 240.

Since the start of COVID we also have a safe, socially distanced alternative to the physical atrium. Past members of the Undergraduate Physics Program have created a discord server where physics students can share memes, interesting physics news, and questions they have to fellow students. This is NOT the physics help center, but instead a social server for those closely tied to the department. Feel free to join us, just please make sure to read the rules when you join.

The SPS Room

SPS has been provided Barnard 240 for our members to use. The rooms is usually quiet, but has many resources for students to use. We have computers, a printer, a minifridge, an espresso machine, office supplies, and the room itself to study in.  If you need access just head to the atrium and find an SPS officer to open it, or contact us through our discord server.