5G10  Magnets

5G10.10 Magnet Assortment
5G10.15 Lodestone
5G10.1X Magna Clean
5G10.20 Broken Magnet

5G20  Magnet Domains and Magnetization

5G20.27 Test Tube Magnet
5G20.31 Compass Array and Magnet
5G20.50 Hammer an Iron Bar
5G20.50 Permalloy Metal
5G20.60 Magnetizing with DC
5G20.62  Magnetizing by Contact
5G20.70 Electromagnet with 1.5V Battery
5G20.71 Electromagnets

5G30  Paramagnetism and Diamagnetism

5G30.10 Paramagnetism and Diamagnetism
5G30.21 Paramagnetism of Liquid Oxygen

5G40  Hysteresis

5G40.50 Hysteresis Waste Heat

5G45  Magnetostriction and Magnetoresistance
5G50  Temperature and Magnetism 

5G50.50 Meissner Effect - Levitating Magnet
5G50.51 Meissner Effect - Levitating Pucks