A great addition to the soft landing and/or Meissner Effect (Levitating Magnet) demonstrations, large, medium, and small Quantum Levitators can be levitated individually or simultaneously in a double levitation configuration. Both suspension below the track and levitation above it can be demonstrated. A handheld magnetic device is also available to show spherical (nearly frictionless bearing) or spactial locking of the pucks.

CAUTION: the magnets are extremely strong and brittle! Keep away from ALL other ferromagnetic materials, magnetic storage devices, and place back in their respective containers when finished. 

The superconducting pucks must be dried thoroughly after use OR placed back in the LN until after the demonstration/lecture and dried afterward. Place superconducting pucks back into their air-tight container with silica gel immediately after drying. The semiconducint pucks are VERY expensive, please handle with extreme care!

Note: Liquid oxygen is corrosive to an uncoated NIB. Demonstrate how to "place" the semiconducting pucks onto the the track or handheld magnetic device. Use the wood "track tray" to keep the pucks from falling off the table.  

 Levitating puck demonstration items.

Puck levitating on track