Undergraduate Scholarships
Applications open November 1st and the deadline is February 1st of the following year.

Barnard Hall
The Department of Physics at Montana State University – Bozeman offers multiple Undergraduate Scholarships for our students majoring in Physics. These scholarships are competitive and awarded annually by the department to qualified students. Below is a list of the scholarships we offer and their qualifications:
Physics Scholarship
- Pursuing a degree from the Department of Physics.
Georgeanne Caughlan Memorial Scholarship
- Pursuing a degree from the Department of Physics.
- Junior or Senior status.
John and Marilyn Asbridge Family Physics Scholarship
- Pursuing a degree from the Department of Physics.
- Engaged in a creative research project.
The Mac Rugheimer Memorial Scholarship
- Pursuing a degree from the Department of Physics.
- Minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA in Physics courses.
Paul T. Schnackenberg Scholarship
- Pursuing a degree from the Department of Physics.
Ray E. Birkett Scholarship
- Pursuing a degree from the Department of Physics.
- Montana high school graduate.
- Undergraduate student.
- Minimum 3.2 cumulative GPA.
Robert J. Swenson Memorial Scholarship
- Pursuing a degree from the Department of Physics.
- Undergraduate student.
Robert J. Swenson Undergraduate Research Award
- Pursuing a degree from the Department of Physics.
- Undergraduate student.
Ronald Braff Memorial Scholarship
- Pursuing a degree from the Department of Physics.
- Demonstrate financial need.
- Undergraduate student.
To apply for these scholarships, you will need to first fill out the General Scholarship Application in the Cat $cholarships Portal (this requires your NetID and password to log in to the portal). After you submit the General Scholarship Application, if you are eligible, the scholarship(s) will show up under the Opportunities tab in the portal and you can apply for them individually there.
Please do not hesitate to contact the departmental office at (406) 994-3614 if you would like further information about our scholarships, our Physics program, or anything else!
Dr. John Neumeier (Department Head)
Phone: (406) 994-6171
Email: neumeier@montana.edu