Larry Kirkpatrick, Ph.D
Professor Emeritus

Phone: 406-994-6182
Fax: 406-994-4452
EPS Room 203, MSU, Bozeman, 59717-3840, MT
Biographical Sketch:
- B.S. 1963 Washington State University
- Ph.D. 1968 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
American Association of Physics Teachers
- Life Member (1999)
- Vice President (1997), President-Elect (1998), President (1999), Past President (2000)
- Publications Committee
- Awards Committee (Chair, 2000)
- Review Board (Chair, 2000)
- Executive Board (1992-95, 1997,2001)
- Awards Committee (1994-95, 1999-2001, chair 2000-01)
- Five-Year Executive Officer Review Committee (Chair, 2000)
National Science Teachers Association
- Field Editor for Quantum Magazine (1990-2001)
- Columnist for Quantum Magazine (1990-2001)
American Physical Society
- Founding Member of Northwest Section
- Member, Forum on Education
- Fellow (1999)
American Institute of Physics
- Physics Today Advisory Committee (1992-97)
- Governing Board (1997-2000)
- Assembly of Society Officers (1997-2000)
- Committee on Public Information (1998-2003), Chair (1999-2003)
- Physics Program Policy Committee (1999-2003)
Pacific Northwest Association for College Physics
- Board of Directors (1974-present )
Montana Science Teachers Association
- Organizer (1982)
- Life Member (1998)
Montana Section of AAPT
- Organizer (1988)
- Secretary/Treasurer (1988-92)
- Vice President (2004-06)
Professor Kirkpatrick is interested in adapting the results of research in physics education to continually improve student learning and in expanding the use of computers in laboratory instruction. He also serves as an Adjunct Curator of Astronomy for the Taylor Planetarium at the Museum of the Rockies. Dr. Kirkpatrick retired in May 2002 but continues to teach each Fall Semester. Dr. Kirkpatrick served as the Academic Director for the US International Physics Olympiad team from 1988-1995. In Camberra, Australia, in July 1995 the five members of the US Physics Team won 4 gold medals and 1 silver medal, placing them second in the world, the best team finish ever. He was President of the American Associaton of Physics Teachers in 1999. He was the Field Editor for Physics of Quantum Magazine, a joint publication of NSTA, AAPT, and NCTM, and wrote the Physics Contest problem with Arthur Eisenkraft in each issue from 1990 until 2001. Dr. Kirkpatrick taught in the Physics Department at Washington State University during Spring Semester 2004. He teaches a one-credit graduate course on forces for elementary and middle school teachers for the National Teachers Enhancement Network
Selected Publications:
- Brooks/Cole Larry D. Kirkpatrick and Gregory E. Francis: PHYSICS: A World View, 6th. ed. (2007). Problem Solving for PHYSICS: A World View, 6th. ed. (2007). Instructors' Resource Manual to Accompany PHYSICS: A World View, 6th. ed. (2007). Test Bank for PHYSICS: A World View (2007).
- Quantum Magazine Arthur Eisenkraft and Larry D. Kirkpatrick, "Tunnel Trouble," p. 30, Jan/Feb 2000. "Magnetic Vee," p. 34, Mar/Apr 2000. "Rolling Wheels," p. 30, May/Jun 2000. "Batteries and Bulbs," p. 30, Jul/Aug 2000. "Curved Reality," p. 30, Sep/Oct 2000. "Relativistic Conservation Laws," p. 30, Nov/Dec 2000. "A Good Theory," p. 30, Jan/Feb 2001. "The Fundamental Particles," p. 30, Mar/Apr 2001
- Tomas Bunk, Arthur Eisenkraft, and Larry D. Kirkpatrick Quantoons, NSTA Press 2006.