John C. Hermanson, Ph.D
Professor Emeritus

Phone: 406-994-
Fax: 406-994-4452
EPS Room , MSU, Bozeman, 59717-3840, MT
Biographical Sketch:
- B.S. in Physics, M.I.T., 1962
- M.S. in Physics, University of Chicago, 1964
- Ph.D. in Physics, University of Chicago, 1966
Academic Appointments
- 2003- Professor Emeritus, Physics Department, MSU
- 1990-2003 Professor and Department Head, Physics Department, MSU
- 1970-90 Faculty, Department of Physics MSU
- 1978-79 Fellow, von Humboldt Foundation
- 1968-70 Research Fellow, Miller Institute,Maximilian U., Munich, Germany, University of California, Berkeley
- 1966-68 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Illinois, Urbana
Quantum mechanics, electromagnetic theory, classical mechanics, statistical mechanics, condensed matter physics, musical acoustics, introductory physics, and college seminar.
Theoretical and computational studies of condensed matter systems, including electronic and magnetic structure of surfaces and interfaces. Award: Sigma Xi Faculty Research Award (1982).
Selected Publications:
- “Electronic Structure and Magnetism of the Cu/Ni(100) Interface,” X.Y. Zhu, H. Huang, and J. Hermanson, Phys. Rev. B29, 3009 (1984).
- "Collective Electronic Excitations in GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Wells," H. Yu and J.C. Hermanson, Phys. Rev. B 43, 4340 (1990).
- "Surface Atomic Structure and Bonding of GaAs(110)-p(1´1)-Bi(1 ML)," A.M. Bowler, J.C. Hermanson, J.P. LaFemina, and C.B. Duke, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B10, 1953 (1992).
- “Final-State Symmetry and Polarization Effects in Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy,” J. Hermanson, Sol. St. Commun 88, 1097 (1993).