Paul Nachman, Ph.D
Affiliate Research Professor

Phone: 406-994-7828
Fax: 406-994-4452
Barnard Hall (EPS) Room 116, MSU, Bozeman, 59717-3840, MT
Selected Honors, Awards, and Public Outreach/Service:
National Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellow (1970-1972) at Caltech and University of Chicago National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow (1980-1982) at Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics (JILA) of the National Bureau of Standards (NBS; now NIST) at the University of Colorado, Boulder National Research Council Senior Research Fellow (1994-1995) at Army Research Lab, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico
Biographical Sketch:
- 1970 BA Physics Carleton College 1978 PhD Astronomy and Astrophysics University of Chicago
- Please check back later.
Academic Responsibilities:
Classes being taught by Dr. Nachman this semester are listed below. Follow the link to find the online content for the class:-