5G10  Magnets
            .16 Lodestone
            .20 Broken Magnet
            .50 Lowest Energy Configuration
5G20  Magnet Domains and Magnetization
            .10 Barkhausen Effect
            .30 Magnetic Domain Model
            .55 Permalloy in Earth's Field
            .60 Magnetizing Iron
            .61 Magnetizing Iron by Contact
            .62 Demagnetizing Iron by Hammering
            .70 Electromagnet with 1.5 V Battery
            .72 Large Electromagnet
5G30  Paramagnetism and Diamagnetism
            .15 Paramagnetism and Diamagnetism
5G40  Hysteresis
            .10 Hysteresis Curve
            .50 Hysteresis Waste Heat
5G45  Magnetostriction and Magnetores
5G50  Temperature and Magnetism
            .15 Curie Nickel
            .20 Curie Temperature Wheel
            .25 Dysprosium in Liquid Nitrogen
            .50 Superconductors