Web Accessibility - Legacy Page

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  • Version 1
  • The signal from a transducer next to a signal source inside a vacuum chamber fades as the chamber is evacuated.
  • VGA output from the oscilloscope can be displayed on the big screen.
  • Wear face shield while chamber is evacuated.
        (inspect bell jar, use filter, set pump on floor)
        (connect trigger output to scope, set trigger mode to Auto)
        (set trigger and Ch 1 coupling to AC)
        (set generator to resonant peak, amplitude to max, transducer on sorbothane)
        (put bell jar in box for transport)

  • Version 2
  • An amplifier and speaker are used in place of the oscilloscope.
  • Wear face shield while chamber is evacuated.

        (inspect bell jar, install filter, set pump on floor)
        (use phono input)
        (put bell jar in box for transport)
